signal liability meaning in Chinese
- Expounds the five main aspect of risk in national commercial bank , i . e . . signal liability structure , bad loan quality , low capital efficiency , imperfect restriction on interior power , thin consciousness on risk avoidance ; summarizes five characters of the bank risks , including risk concentration , moral risk , risks caused by system structure , inequi ty between bank risks and revenues , aggrandizement trend of bank risks ; analysis eight reasons for bank risks , including proprietary ownership voidance , macroeconomic fluctuation , ineffective capita ] buffer mechanism , enterprise reasons . no synchronous fiscal investment and financial reform , incompetence law and regulation enforcement . chapter4 argues the opportunities and challenges of the financial globalization and requirement for bank risk managem ent . chapters suggests the methods for the risk management of national commercial bank
紧接着在第三章阐述了我国国有商业银行风险的“五大表现” ,即负债结构单一、信贷资产质量差、资本充足率低、内部控制机制薄弱、防范风险的意识淡薄;总结了我国国有商业银行风险的“五大特点” ,即风险高度集中、风险人为匿藏、风险的体制性、风险与收益严重不对称、风险呈继续扩大态势;剖析了我国国有商业银行风险形成的“八大因素” ,即金融产权“人格”虚设、宏观经济波动、资本金等缓冲机制不健全、财政、投资和金融的体制改革不配套、法律和法规不健全等。